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The Kind Keptn

The kind keptn is a disposable, temporary mechanism that runs a Keptn installation on your laptop so you can quickly evaluate keptn. The only prerequisite is a current version of Docker.

The kind keptn is not designed as a production-ready installation. It is not designed for long term use. For those, you want a proper installation of keptn or a SaaS hosted version.

This microsite covers the basics of the kind keptn. It is not intended as a replacement for the full docs and tutorials on the keptn site.

To begin, execute the following command from the shell of your laptop. You may want to create a separate directory and execute the command there.

Quick Start

docker run --rm -it \
--name thekindkeptn \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
--publish 7681:7681 \

This takes 10-15 minutes to execute, possibly longer, depending on your computer and the speed of your Internet connection. When it completes, you will see a “Keptn is now running” block and a shell prompt.

I’ve Installed. What Now?

You now have a Docker container running that contains a small Kubernetes cluster with Keptn and the Keptn CLI installed, as well as a very simple Keptn project that we will use to explore what Keptn can do.

You will also find a web-based terminal shell on http://localhost:7681

See first steps to start the Keptn discovery path.


See components for what is installed when you run the above command