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Production Quality Evaluations

This is step 4 of the tutorial. If you missed the previous parts, start here

Release Validation Quality Evaluation

In this step, a second quality evaluation step will be added to validate the health of production after deployment.

In a perfect world, a service would act identically in preproduction as production. In reality though, services can and will act differently in production for many different reasons.

Including an automated post-deployment quality evaluation provides an extra security check.

If this evaluation fails, it can be used as the trigger (or at least a strong indication) to rollback (or otherwise fix) the deployment.

Add SLI and SLO files

Previously we added SLI and SLO definitions for qa. Add them now for the production stage.

In this demo, the same files will be used. In reality however, most likely different objectives would be used in production.

cd ~/keptn-job-executor-delivery-poc
keptn add-resource --project=fulltour --service=helloservice --stage=production --resource=prometheus/sli.yaml --resourceUri=prometheus/sli.yaml
keptn add-resource --project=fulltour --service=helloservice --stage=production --resource=slo.yaml --resourceUri=slo.yaml

Add Locust Files

Locust has the correct files for qa but needs the production files now too. Upload them now (or commit them directly to Git, up to you):

cd ~/keptn-job-executor-delivery-poc
keptn add-resource --project=fulltour --service=helloservice --stage=production --resource=./locust/
keptn add-resource --project=fulltour --service=helloservice --stage=production --resource=./locust/locust.conf

Modify Shipyard

Modify the shipyard on the main branch again. After the je-deployment task, add two new tasks to the production stage:

- name: "je-test"
- name: "evaluation"
    timeframe: "2m"

The shipyard should now look like this:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Shipyard"
  name: "shipyard-delivery"
    - name: "qa"
        - name: "delivery"
            - name: "je-deployment"
            - name: "je-test"
            - name: "evaluation"
                timeframe: "2m"

    - name: "production"
        - name: "delivery"
            - event: ""
            - name: "approval"
                pass: "automatic"
                warning: "automatic"
            - name: "je-deployment"
            - name: "je-test"
            - name: "evaluation"
                timeframe: "2m"

An additional je-test step is added so locust generates some load on the application. In a real production environment, this task would probably be unneccessary as production traffic would already be present.

🎉 Trigger Delivery

Trigger delivery of the “good build”. This should:

  1. Pass the qa quality gate and be automatically promoted to production
  2. Pass the production quality gate and remain in production
keptn trigger delivery \
--project=fulltour \
--service=helloservice \
--image="" \

Check the application version running in each environment:

kubectl -n fulltour-qa describe pod -l app=helloservice | grep Image:
kubectl -n fulltour-production describe pod -l app=helloservice | grep Image:

Should show v0.1.1 in both environments.

What Next? Production Self-Healing (Scaling)

As mentioned, problems will always occur in production, so lets equip Keptn to deal with issues.

Continue to add self-healing to Keptn using Helm